Breathing with the Spirit

I’m a big believer in the Breath of the Holy Spirit. I came to know the Spirit at a young age through personal experience of this benevolant, kind presence that was always with me as a child. It was only later that I put the puzzle pieces together and understood Her to be the third part of the Trinity- God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Maybe that is why I have always loved the #3! In any event, my life’s calling appears to be writing about the Holy Spirit, educating people about Her presence within and around us, and gathering people together to breathe with Her. She’s always breathing us whether we are paying attention or not. So, to sit in prayerful meditation and focus our attention on breathing with the Spirit can be a powerful, life-giving and sacred experience.

One of my favorite things is gathering with people and engaging the spiritual practice of prayerful meditation. Most of us pray and meditate in our homes alone. When we come together and create sacred space with one another, it can be an enlivening experience of the breath of the Spirit not only breathing us individually but collectively as well.

I hope you’ll plan to breathe with the Spirit this fall frequently and consistently. And, please plan to join in a collective movement of breathing with the Spirit on-line and/or in-person.

  • ***This offering is currently on pause.

    This will be a time to meditate in body and breath and connect that bodily awareness of breath with the breath of the Spirit. Our bodies hold tremendous wisdom. We can tap into that inherent wisdom by focusing on our breath and opening to the Spirit's presence within. This meditation will last approximately 30 minutes.