Guest Appearances

When I was nine years old I was on the radio in London, England. I was interviewed about being a dancer and performing in the children’s dance company that was touring in England and Scotland. Being on the radio was a magical (if also scary!) experience. And, I discovered that I kind of liked being behind a microphone; I discovered that my authentic fun and lighter side could play with the joyful exchange in interviews which is a welcomed break from the typically serious, oldest child I have always been.

Click below to enjoy some interviews and shared guests spots…

Managing Holiday Stress: Jim interviewed local therapist April Ella and myself on November 18th for his radio show More Living. You can listen to the show on his podcast by clicking above.

Eric Bell hosts a podcast Turning On The Light which sheds light on Mental Health issues that people often shy away from admitting much less openly discuss.

National corespondent John Burnett interviewed three local pastors to discuss their approach to the decline in church attendance. My friend and colleague The Rev. Chris Battle is interviewed first. It was a great joy meeting John and having him attend Breathing Under the Stained Glass at Church of the Ascension.