Breathing with the Spirit Retreat
Well Being Retreat Center
557 Narrows Road, Tazewell, TN 37879
August 2 - 4 (Friday morning through Sunday lunch)
About the Retreat…
When we allow time and space for our nervous system to settle and find some ease, we can more easily connect with our own soul, the wisdom of our bodies and the breath of the Spirit. Over the span of the weekend, we will ground, open to, receive from and commune with the Spirit in mind, body and our own spirit using breathwork, meditation, mindfulness, and some gentle movement. Within this grounded state, we will specifically work on connecting with the inherent goodness within which we are all created- love, peace, joy, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, generosity, equanimity.
Spirit, Wisdom, Divine Breath
We all have an energy that radiates from our being. Some call this our spirit. Our spirit can always connect with the Spirit- the Divine Breath within all of creation. It is your choice how you think about the Spirit- whether that be The Holy Spirit, the inherent Wisdom within you and all of creation, &/or the breath of the Divine, or something else completely.
What to expect from the weekend…
The weekend will engage periods of meditation, breathwork, gentle movement, walking, self and group reflection through journaling and discussion, as well as periods of silence.
Saturday will be spent in silence guided by Caroline with free time in the afternoon to journal, nap, &/or walk on your own. Friday and Sunday will not be in silence. So, there will be time to engage your own soul and the whispers of the Spirit within and connect with other Spirit seekers.
Noble silence is an opportunity to move through the day & nights without speaking to others. It’s a way to keep the connection to one’s own soul and the movement of the Spirit at the forefront without the distractions of engagement with others.
What to Bring:
Comfortable clothing that you can do gentle movement with ease.
Yoga Mat & Blanket or Quilt
Reusable water bottle (optional)
Journal and pen, pencil, markers (optional)
Yogi Chores:
Attendees will be asked to help with “yogi chores” in the kitchen during the retreat– up to 1 1/2 hours total per person during the Rental Period. Yogi chores are a thoughtful way to practice integration. As you go about working in the kitchen you have the opportunity to practice your spiritual practices in everyday chores that you’ll be doing again at home. Our everyday lives are the “real” practice of life. The aim is to be breathing with the Spirit at all times of the day and night. We use meditation and retreat weekends to intentionally deepen our connection and alignment with the Spirit with the aim of raising our consciousness and awareness of how we’re ALWAYS breathing with the Spirit.
Draft of the Schedule. This is a sample schedule and likely to change somewhat before the retreat weekend.
How do I sign up?
Click the button below to go to the Well Being Retreat Center website. From there you will pick what kind of overnight accommodations you want to stay in (tiny house, cabin, cabinette, camping). The cost will include your lodging, food and tuition for the retreat.
Inspiration for the Retreat
I had the amazing opportunity to spend a week on the Isle of Iona with 50 pilgrims led by John Philip & Ali Newell. The time away from home, the daily routines of life and being cared for with prepared meals and time for rest and renewal made me realize how important it is to carve out time and space to do this on a more regular basis and create sacred space nearer to home for people to gather and drop into sacred space together. Not only is it time well spent in the moment, it also has positive, life-giving ripple effects for the days and weeks to come.
In addition, I’ve had a growing sense of the need for Sabbath. In our busy lives it can be difficult to create space for a regular rhythm of rest, however, we function so much better when we do. Our minds, hearts, souls, bodies need down time. Recently I had a demanding week, and I sensed the whispers of the Spirit encouraging me to slip into silence all day for the upcoming Saturday. My children and Andy were out of town, so I didn’t have any excuses for refusing the consistent inner wisdom. So, all day Saturday, the rhythm was pray/meditate, journal, nap, repeat. By Monday, I was a new woman. My heart, mind, body and spirit were more clear and my ability to be present with myself and others was significantly enhanced. Within the following week, I realized I wanted to offer others this opportunity too.