4 Sundays on Zoom: 12-12:45pm Eastern
February 28, March 7, 14, & 21
I’m looking forward to gathering with all of you to reflect on the invitation of a holy Lent. We’ll use Psalm 51 and the The Litany of Penitence (both found in the Ash Wednesday liturgy) as digging tools to toil our souls a bit, look around, and take an honest assessment of what has become weeds within us and by the grace of God needs to be pulled. In our willingness to toil the soil of our souls and uproot what no longer serves us, we make room and expand our capacity for a sense of ease and steadiness, compassion, and joy. By intentionally cultivating the soil of our souls with the assistance of the Advocate the Holy Spirit we more fully live into our calling to live resurrected lives alongside our beloved Messiah.
This class will include instruction and reflection along with some practices of mindfulness.
This meditation can be used with both Psalm 51 exercise and The Litany of Penitence exercise.
Tuesdays on Facebook Live: Noon Eastern, Noonday Prayer + Reflection
This offering will start February 16 and move through the Season of Lent and into Eastertide
Through Lent we’ll read together Living the Way of Love by Mary Bea Sullivan, an Episcopal Priest in Alabama. Each day has a brief meditation and questions for reflection. Sullivan wrote this 40 day devotional inspired by Bishop Curry’s invitation “to claim, or reclaim, the Jesus-inspired practices ‘that can train up the spirit to follow in the way of Jesus and to look something like Jesus. These biblically inspired practices are Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.” Each day’s devotion centers on one of these 7 biblical practices. Let us journey through the season of Lent together intentionally learning more, reflecting together, and practicing the way of Jesus.
I highlight this offering as a dear friend and fantastic colleagues are presenting in this offering for Lent.
The Becoming Beloved Community task force of the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee invites you into a journey to commit in new ways to growing loving, liberating, life-giving relationships across the human family of God. Becoming Beloved Community in Lent is a weekly, diocesan wide study. Using a curriculum from the Diocese of Los Angeles. Facilitated by Sylvia Peters, the Rev. Leyla King, and the Rev. Claire Brown, we will reflect on theology, scripture, and our own experiences in this weekly digital group offering on racial justice and healing.